PART 1: Our first attempt at rocketry will be with small straw rockets. We will try to break a couple of records.
Record 1: For it to fly across the room.
Record 2: To hit the ceiling of our room.
Record 3: To hit the ceiling of the cafeteria.
Good luck!
PART 2: In the future we will use an airpump to see if this will take our rockets further into space.

PART 3: At the end of this unit, we will be designing and launching our own rockets using air pressure. Teachers who have tried this say these rockets can soar up to 100 feet!
Mrs. Foreman shows us where the rocket fins will go.

A finished rocket (not decorated). Notice it will take two bottles. A paper nose cone can be added along with a logo wrapper for identification purposes.
We will start our rocket projects in October.
Thanks, Mrs. Foreman, for your help. :-)